Qualities of A Good Cognitive Behavior Therapist
When you are alive, there are some things that happen and you cannot avoid facing them People can take themselves to face these issues or they can happen naturally. Some of these conditions include eating and sleeping disorders, substance abuse, anxiety just to mention but a few. If not well handled, they can cause some though patterns and behaviors that are negative and destructive in the long run. One way to solve these issues and reduce their effect is by looking for a Montreal CBT psychologist. The process of identification and correction of negative and harmful though patterns is done by a cognitive behavior therapist Montreal. They help people by using tools such as cbt worksheets for anxiety which help people to discover more about what is ailing them. With internet access, it is easy to see page containing information on these CBT issues and learn more about them to be a better person. Counsellors play a great role in because of their cbt psychology hence we can’t ignore it. The following are characteristic of a good cognitive behavior therapist .
The first quality of a good cbt psychologists is that they have relationship building skills. To ensure that change is happening, counselors need to build a strong bond with the patients. Bringing ack the sanity of ones lie is not an easy thing hence the need to trustworthy.
The second trait of counsellors for cbt is the ability to communicate. People come from various backgrounds and belief systems and to effectively deal with them, one must know how to communicate. A counsellor must be able to break any barrier to effective communication due to the work the do.
Proper listening skills is the other trait of a CBT psychologists. A counselor must give themselves to listen to the issues of the patients to help them deal with their complex issues. There is the likelihood of a solution when a counselor offers a listening ear to the patients.
Compassion is another characteristic of a CBT Psychologist. Their work involves dealing with people who have gone through difficult situations in life. Compassion towards the patients is necessary to ensure that the therapeutic process is fruitful.
The other trait is the ability to maintain secrets. These therapist handle very sensitive information form different people. It is important for therapists to ensure they do not share sensitive information about patients to other parties. A patient would feel bad if the confidential information they shared with the counsellor is known to other people.