News For This Month: Companies

A Success Story of a Great Businessman

Hussain al Nowais, the Emirates Holdings managing director and chairman, enjoys taking challenges, such as making dying companies live and soar high in the world of business. A lot of people are wondering how this UAE businessman succeeded so much in his career.

According to Hussain al Nowais, he was born in the time when life was so hard, which made him push his limits.

In an interview, Hussain al Nowais shared that he has experienced the hardships of their parents back then. And now, they are already enjoying the good things that they have earned.

According to him, purified drinking water was a luxurious kind of water for them while only a few can afford to have an air conditioner. Hussain al Nowais even compared Abu Dhabi to a village that is deserted back then. His family stays in Corniche before, and Al Husn was the former name of its centre.

The insufficiency of school’s in Abu Dhabi was the reason why Al Nowais went to Qatar to study.There was a norm before that people leave Abu Dhabi and go to Saudi Arabia or Qatar to get out from a difficult kind of life.

Al Nowais’ family only returned to Abu Dhabi, along with other families, when Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan became the president of UAE. When they came back, their family was blessed after Al Nowai’s grandfather became a foodstuff and material trader instead of remaining from his past job as a pearl merchant. That was the beginning of their family business, which is an organisation for trade.

Al Nowais continued schooling in the United States of America after finishing high school in his beloved place, Abu Dhabi.

After finishing a business administration course in the U.S., he was totally filled with wisdom and might, which gave him the courage to go back home in order to practice what he has learned. In 1978, Al Nowais was known to be one out of few who was able to study outside UAE and was able to successfully communicate with businessmen from different countries.

Along with his dedication, intelligence, luck, and commitment, he was able to evolve their family business into a well-known contracting, trading, distributing, and manufacturing company, which is not limited in UAE. According to him, he almost started from nothing in order to build what he has now.

When his career was still on the state of growing, he was given a chance to supply equipment for electrical use for a department in the government.

The reason why Al Nowais is successful in his career is that he improved his knowledge and skills regularly.

Even the beginning of Gulf War was seen by Al Nowais as a chance to begin a food business, because of its necessity. He even bought dying businesses and restructured them, making them reach the pick again.

And up to this day, he is still showing and sharing his excellence, such as having Federal Foods.